John Doe



Personal Portfolio Website
A personal portfolio to showcase your coding projects, resume, and skills in a beautifully designed format.

Sun May 26 2024

Image of Personal Portfolio Website

BTW, this is not real info (please update with the portfolio template)

This is my personal portfolio website where I showcase my coding projects, resume, and skills in a beautifully designed format. I created this website to have an online presence and to share my work with potential employers and clients. The project helped me improve my front-end development skills and learn more about modern web development practices.


  • Project Showcase: Display detailed descriptions of coding projects with links to live demos and repositories.
  • Resume Integration: Include a downloadable version of the resume in PDF format.
  • Skills Section: Highlight technical and soft skills in an organized and visually appealing way.
  • Responsive Design: Optimized for seamless viewing across devices.
  • Blog Section: Articles written using MDX, enabling dynamic content creation.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: Built using React with Next.js for server-side rendering and optimized performance.
  • Styling: Styled with Tailwind CSS for a clean and modern UI.
  • Content Management: Leveraged MDX to write interactive blogs directly in Markdown.
  • Hosting: Deployed on Vercel for fast and reliable performance.



  • React components used to create reusable and modular UI elements.
  • Next.js for static site generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR).
  • Lenis for smooth scrolling and navigation between sections.

Blog Management

  • Blogs written in MDX to combine Markdown content with React components.
  • Dynamic routing in Next.js for individual blog pages.


  • Continuous deployment using Vercel with automatic build triggers from GitHub.
  • Optimized performance with lazy loading and image optimization using Next.js Image.

How It Works

  1. Landing Page: Users are greeted with an introduction and a summary of my skills and experience.
  2. Projects Section: Detailed view of my projects with links to live demos and GitHub repositories.
  3. About Section: Overview of my journey, skills, and achievements.
  4. Blog Section: Users can read technical articles and updates.
  5. Contact Form: A user-friendly form for inquiries, integrated with EmailJS or Formspree.

Challenges Faced

  • Achieving smooth and dynamic navigation without compromising performance.
  • Ensuring cross-browser compatibility for a consistent user experience.
  • Managing content dynamically with MDX for seamless integration of blogs.

Future Enhancements

  • Adding dark mode functionality for a personalized user experience.
  • Implementing analytics to track visitor interactions and popular sections.
  • Introducing a portfolio customization feature for personalized themes.